
Do Man United need Wayne Rooney?


Wayne Rooney as depicted by John Murphy - baldtiler@yahoo.ie

Picture courtesy of thebaldtiler@yahoo.ie

With RvP doing so well at Old Trafford in his first season with the club, various media outlets (reputable and otherwise) have started questioning Manchester United’s need for their other main man, Wayne Rooney.

Rooney has had a stop start season for Manchester United, mainly due to a couple of minor injuries. The other main summer signing, Shinji Kagawa, also prefers to play in Rooney’s No.10 position, leading some to question whether The Englishman’s time at Old Trafford is coming to an end.

But anyone who is short sighted enough to think that Manchester United don’t need Rooney only needs to look at the match against Liverpool at the weekend. Rooney’s authority was so sorely missed that, in the second half, Manchester United looked shakier than a tiny, soggy foal after a night on the sauce.

When good teams have periods of pressure against Manchester United, Rooney drops back into the midfield to add bite, coherence and general direction to the team. We are still perhaps yet to see the best of these two in tandem but, without Wazza, United have little chance of maintaining a 7 point gap in the league, let alone getting to the latter stages of the Champions League.

soccersweep has always maintained that while Van Persie is a fine player and a great finisher, Wayne Rooney is still, easily, the top man at Manchester United – a big game player who, simply put, makes this team tick. He is the heart beat of Manchester United and at the hub of everything good that they do.  While United have a catalogue of excellent footballers, Rooney has the vision and skill that others can only dream of . If you were to ask RvP himself, I doubt there would much hesitation in his response as to who the best player at United is.

So, the idea that Wazza has become obsolete in a side which now has the talents of Kagawa and van Persie to call on, is ridiculous.  The sooner Rooney gets back into the fold the better for this Manchester United vintage.

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  1. Abu

    Jan 15, 2013 at 3:17 pm

    RVP is the best player at Old traford now,with the inclusion of Wazza or not, RVP will still deliver and we will do good.Wazza at his young age is a better player,now he plays like a normal player and being paid a lot of cash,perhaps he is english.let not be bias,a lot of these english palyers only have work rate,on the ball they can only afford little.thats why they dont do well in tournaments.

  2. Steve

    Jan 15, 2013 at 3:19 pm

    Rooney for the wage he commands is not the player he should be.Rooney as you forgot in your article was present when Utd folded like me after ten pints of guinness in the last five games of last season.He had a total of two assists last season and this season he has the highest % of possession lost in matches.Why were loyal Rooney supporters saying to me at OT they were thinking its time to move him on at the right price .He is nowhere near world class and never has been just look at his average ratings for England in the last two tournaments [4].

    • Abu

      Jan 15, 2013 at 3:35 pm

      the english pundit should face the fact when it comes to analysing their english players,RVP today is far ahead of Rooney.face the fact.

  3. Talkoftheterrace.net

    Jan 18, 2013 at 3:20 am

    Most over rated player England has ever seen.

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