Man U

Video: Manchester United in for ‘wonderkid’

Despite counting RVP, Rooney, Henriquez, Chicha, Welbeck, Macheda, Will Keane and Josh King amongst their number, current speculation suggests that Manchester United want to buy yet more strikers.

First reported a few months back by your favourite football site, Viktor Fischer is apparently still on the radar of Sir Alex Ferguson, according to the Guardian.

Fischer’s Denmark U19 coach, Thomas Frank wowed the football world last week when he said

“Fischer is special. He can be just like Messi or Ronaldo,”

How many times have we heard that one? At any rate Manchester United love to stockpile strikers and the rumours persist that this little dude will eventually move to Old Trafford.

He is currently 18 years of age but still has virtually no experience at senior level for Ajax. His youth international stats are however very encouraging. He has scored 27 goals in 45 appearances at youth level for his country.

He looks like a decent player but you are more likely to draw milk from my man boob than hear me comparing the lad to Messi. We will however keep you abreast of developments!

Good morning to you sir.

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